The buyer of our house is using a lender that seems to be incompetent and disorganized. They have scheduled closing 3 times and let the date/time pass with little to no communication that it was going t...
I did this because I was told that's how to assume the loan easily. But, when I tried to assume the loan, I was told I can't. When I looked into then purchasing another home, I'm stuck. Here are the det...
I've made all of my monthly mortgage payments on time but my credit score is low
My wife and I have tried the streamline refi through our current lender and were Denied due to a lower credit score. Is there anyone who does the streamline with out a credit check? Have had the mortgag...
When does this program expire? Is it worth considering?
I've heard that getting your credit pulled multiple times is detrimental
A little over 6 years ago, my spouse refinanced and took me off the loan and off title of our home. A few months ago, we were foreclosed on. We'd tried to get a modification with the bank using my incom...
Where can I find this information?
I filed bankruptcy recently and will be getting a divorce soon. My husband is giving me the house, but when he purchased the home, he paid cash for it, and he is the only person vested on title. I filed...
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