Could I get lower mortgage rates if I do?
I'm going to be applying for a HARP refinance soon and I would like to know what kinds of obstacles to expect
I have excellent credit and a stable job but my total debt to income ratio might be too high to qualify for the loan I'm seeking. Any ideas?
Triad is in run off, but I did call them and they are willing to re-attach it to the new loan. I am also willing to convert it to borrower paid if that helps too.
First time home buyer in Georgia max I am willing to buy is 165k I have about 20k to put down as a down payment. Credit score 640 I've been at my job for 16 years. I pay 800 a month in child support wh...
I have decent credit but cannot afford an excessive down payment
The home in question is owned by my new spouse. We each independently had prior credit problems. Our mid scores are me 634 and her 620. I am a disabled vet and she is employed. Our combined income is ov...
My credit score is high, current interest rate is approx. 6%
Filed and discharged bankruptcy in 2009 due to a loss of primary income that lasted a year. We intended, as it states on our bankruptcy papers, to reaffirm our mortgage. Lender didn't issue a reaffirm...
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