My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy was discharged on 28 November 2012.I'm a first time buyer, $74,800 income (15 years of federal service), completing a five-year (2008) auto loan with 4 payments left (no lates e...
I also ave gotten a few credit cards and paid them on time. Last checked my score was about 660. How long do I have to wait to purchase a home?
I also ave gotten a few credit cards and paid them on time. Last checked my score was about 660. How long do I have to wait to purchase a home?
I also ave gotten a few credit cards and paid them on time. Last checked my score was about 660. How long do I have to wait to purchase a home?
I live in a rural area and there is nothing that has sold within 5 miles that has acreage. What are my options?
I live in a rural area and there is nothing that has sold within 5 miles that has acreage. What are my options?
I am about 4 years into a 5 year repayment plan in my chapter13. My credit score is 637 (equifax). I am up-to-date on my mortgage payments as well as other small credit cards obligations. I've tried to ...
Please let me know. Thank you!
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