I had a short sale close two years ago. My credit was in great shape at the time of the event, and I have since rebuilt my credit to the mid-700s. I have participated in pre-purchase mortgage counseli...
I have a commercial loan that is ready to balloon.I am wanting to refinance.At one time vacant recreational property was added to this mortgage. I am having trouble finding a lender that will cover thes...
After filling bankruptcy three years ago I excluded my first and second mortgage which are held by the same bank. It is my understanding that I could walk away from my obligations at any time and the b...
i had to do a short sale 4 years ago, i've been saving and improving credit. what are hard money loans about and would it be a good idea for a score of 600
is that specifically when you change lenders/ loans
does it depend on the lender or are there other factors that will vary?
When can i get it reappraised and do a refi and get some cash out because i think the value will go up because of the remodel
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