i need to write a letter of explaination and i do not know what to say. it is for a collection on my credit history that is now getting in the way of my mortgage. the collection was a misunderstanding. ...
they are supposed to help low income families according to wikipedia. i make $35k per year w/ 715 credit and was hoping i could get financed on the usda direct for just myself - no family members will b...
can i get funding through va to renovate a kitchen
i got my place about 8 years ago. i believe it's with freddie mac. i am definitely underwater and rates are much lower now so looking for a solution. i've just heard abuot harp from an email
i am a new doctor if that matters. i have heard there are grant programs for doctors, but i do not know if it was for usda or closing cost specific.
not sure how cash-in refiancing works but i want to know if it pays my loan down faster or if that's made up in gratuitous amounts of interest.
friday jobs report effect on mortgage rates
My husband is in th marines but over seas. Can I get a house with him gone, but also using his information? It would be nice not to wait 7 months. Our credit scores are both in 700's
I want to pay off my mortgage early but my bank charges a surprisingly (?) hefty penalty for early repayment. Is there a way to avoid this? I was thinking maybe refi using a lender who already knows my ...
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