My husband has 2 judgments on his credit report that are 9 years old both wrote off but still sitting show they will be off in 2016. Since getting married 3 years ago we have both been trying to improv...
i do not know what mortgage i can afford or range of pricing with homes. i bring home 58 per year before taxes, have a car loan out ($230 per month) and pay a little child support ($300 per month) don't...
I'd like a USDA mortgage but right now I have FHA. Is this an option? 733 credit
not sure what differences are but i want to buy small and then add a room and renovate bathroom. don't have a quote for costs or contractor plans yet. credit is 691 and i have 10% to put down. can i do ...
I'm an elementary school teacher - 725 fico and 65000 salary. What other requirements will I need to meet? I'm interested in calSTRS heard it's good for public school teachers. Please correct me if I'm ...
Do you do commercial loans in Maine, doing a purchase of existing restaurant and rebuild?
Like to purchase and rebuild an existing restaurant
are these real? im wondering if i qualify for a no cost va loan if they exist. 730 credit and 39% dti. i know va loans have no down paymet so i am looking for something else specificaly "no cost" loan
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