I applied for a FHA loan late last year had a couple bumps on my credit. Fixed those and was finally approved. Signed closing docs and 6 days later I get a email that the loan is moving forward and the...
If so, what kind of documentation is needed for the ledner?
I have been told that for 15 and 20 year fixed rates the PMI requires less coverage than their 30 year counter part. Almost 1/2. So if 30 year requires 25% coverage, 20 year requires 12%. Is that cor...
My credit dropped recently because I had high charges on 2 accounts - both are almost completely paid off. I have enough for 20% down but very concenred about my credit. If I wait should it go up soon e...
Current rate is 5%, not the worst, and rates are dropping this week, but concerned about going through this process and not locking soon enough. i'm at 75% LTV. I don't know what kind of loan I have its...
Lived in the home for 12 yrs with spouse am I able to sell my home for more than was financed for
a search brings up stated income loans for selfemployed. will i qualify with 710 credit scoring? i have a landscaping company that has been doing well but have not been able to get prequaled by the bank...
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