since last year I have been planning on checking out Fannie reo's but now the mortgage option is gone? how does the financing work now.
Ive looked into state programs through OHFA for the down payment assistance but my credit is 635 and they require 640. Is there anything I can do to get my credit up to speed within a few months or mayb...
i only see sites where i have to pay to see my score, which i dont want to do if i dont have to.
My husband and I would like to buy our first house, live in it, but then ultimately rent it out and purchase another house, then hopefully do the same thing. Plans were halted once we were told we canno...
The condos (more like lofts really) were built within the last year in my hometown and when I looked into getting them fianced I was told theyre nonwarrantable, not up to code? They're so new I just don...
I am a sales rep for a larger company but I'm a 1099 employee, and so is my wife so just using her income is not an option. We both have good credit, just don't know where to start. After a bad experien...
hoping if there is i would qualify with 687 credit. i don't have a lot of debt and i do have savings but i'm moving and will need to buy all new furniture so the more assistance the better.
how are the rehab funds paid back with the 203k option? do any lenders allow for everything rolled into the mortgage principal?
Like if I were to sign on now with an adjustable mortgage, after the first 5 years am i going to be seeing my interest change monthly?
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