Is there a way to eliminate the insurance, like by putting more down out the gate instead of $0? I have 13000 in new home funds total so i do have some money to put into the mortgage upfront. Hoping to ...
coborrower has never been in the military and no va benefits. i have them though.
do some meet fha requirements or are none allowed
I owned back in 05 before selling but that was when i was working a job. Payments made all on time and in full on a fha 30 yr fixed. Now I'm self employed with credit 690 and hoping to get loaned 200k
I know more information is needed but overall I'm concerned about my score. I am in Miami Gardens.
i sold my home in 2009 following a divorce. my credit is over 700 and my job is stable i just need some down payment help. can i do a DPa program in conjunction with fha finacning
the bills are all up to-date as of now, but i did drop the ball on one payment after my shoulder surgery when i became overwhelmed financially. this was around 4 months ago. my credit was not hurt badly
I have 15% equity in my home and hoping to get 10% cash out. My mortgage is with the VA. I do have high credit though, over 720.
what is the time line that I have to wait to sell my house and get a new loan. I have not been late on payments and my credit has improved.
Little debt and I am down to 2 lines of credit. Been working on repairing credit for the past year and I have over 35% equity at the moment. I am not looking to withrdaw all
My good faith estimate has high costs that i dont need, for example i have already paid an appraiser. i just want to know if anything is negotiable if i already have it
I'm looking at properties that could serve as vacation rentals off the strip, no full time tenants. My current home is paid off but it was a conventional mortgage, i dont know if that's the best loan to...
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