My wife and I are planning to buy a retirement home where we can spend our time close to the beach. We want to know how we can get the lowest fees possible on closing costs? Do we lock at interest rate...
My online business is booming since the pandemic started and I want to invest in multi-unit homes in Texas. This would be my first time applying for a loan and I want to know how I could get the lowest ...
I am worried about my income sources during this pandemic and I might not be able to make mortgage payments. Will I get foreclosed if I lost my job due to COVID-19? My current loan is backed up by Fanni...
We purchased a condo last June and financed it before selling our existing home. The sale went for $1.25M and the new condo we bought was close to $1.2M. Our mortgage amounted to $900k with a low rate ...
Hi everyone, I just refinanced our home and we signed our closing docs already. We have not received our funds yet from the refinance and I plan to buy a car in a few days and I would like to know if a ...
My husband and I have a first and second mortgage on our home. We owe around $42,000 on the first and will be paid off in 4 years at a 5.25% interest rate. The second loan has $28k left with an 8.25% in...
I closed on a mortgage refinance and I was surprised to get an email from my mortgage broker stating that I was over-credited lender credits by a few hundred dollars than the actual costs and they are n...
I just bought a new studio apartment in San Francisco before the pandemic started. I got laid off early this year and since my loan was federally backed I was able to apply for forbearance. The problem ...
My wife and I got approved for a loan based on our debt-income ratio a few months ago. We didn’t push through with the loan because of the uncertainty due to the pandemic. A home equity loan was offer...
This is my first time to refinance my mortgage and I came across an item named Delivery Fee under Origination Charges. The fee is $15k for my $420k loan. This makes my closing costs $25k which I find to...
Worked and then COvid19 hit and was on EDD because kids stayed home and business shut down. I am now working again since February 2021. We are wanting to leave California and seeing what we needed to qu...
First-time buyer in Austin, Texas, and looking to buy next year. My wife and I have a combined income of $150k which is enough to buy a townhouse in the $250k to $350k range. We pay for credit cards at ...
I plan to buy a studio apartment in the $100k range but I recently lost my job due to the pandemic. I have $80k savings in the bank and I currently live with my parents while actively looking for work. ...
I’m having delays with my loan approval since an underwriter from my bank has asked for a clarification from the appraiser and has not gotten any response at all. I’ve tried calling and emailing but...
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