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Is a mortgage possible?

I own two properties. One is my primary residence which I own with my ex. We have a mortgage which his parents hold the note on, they are not on title. The home appraised for $435,000, the note is approximately $220,000. Taxes are approximately $7900, Insurance $2400.I would like to buyout my ex ($100k) and pay-off the note (I would be responsible for the full note). The house has been on the market for a year and has an active contract which I expect to fall through next month.The second home is an investment property which I have owned since February. It is vacant and in need of repairs. It was quit claimed to me. The value after repairs ($10k needed) we be about $135k. I am open to a cash-out to pay down debt or to sell.I owe approximately $220,000 in student loans, IRS payment plan, charge cards. I have income of about $37,000 base salary. I receive bonuses but have only been at the job 1 year (total income is about $80,000). I also receive a pension of about $32k per year.Is there any way to may this work? by pbonn212 from , California. May 16th 2016 Reply

Lorne Harvey (lorneharvey)
#77 ranked lender in Washington - 439 contributions

I recommend that you contact a local mortgage originator and review your options.Sounds possible to me.

May 16th 2016
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Much more info needed.. but in general, there are loans available for your scenario, but you wont gain much on either property.. First, your primary residence.. if the value is $435K, and cash out refi's are limited to 80% LTV, then the most you can borrow is $348K.. $220K goes to pay off the note, and $100K goes to your ex, then your left with $28K less closing costs.. You do get to payoff the in-laws and your ex.. But there are issues/rules that apply to cash out refi's on properties held by private notes.. and because you have an outstanding IRS debt, it's possible they will not allow you to refinance.. so keep that in mind as well. As far as the investment property.. it's hard to do a cash out refi on investment that's currently vacant, no income, and has taxes and insurance obligations.. as well as needing repairs.. depending on the severity of the repairs necessary, it's possible you cannot finance it at all unless the improvements are made.. Again, i'm having to speculate a lot here because there's not enough info to advise you properly.. But from what I'm seeing.. if you could qualify for refinancing the primary, then do that loan, you payoff the in laws and the ex.. and use the remaining proceeds to do the necessary repairs on the rental. but then go and sell that property and pay off your credit cards, IRS and even some of your student loans.. There a hundred other scenarios that might work, but again,,, details!.. Try contacting a local mortgage broker and let him look at the whole picture.. only then will you know what's possible. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714 NMLS# 226347

May 16th 2016
Larry Gray (lgray_312_247)
#596 ranked lender in California - 1,139 contributions

Hearing mention of the payment plan with the IRS, it might be you could only get a cash-out loan to buyout ex, payoff loan ,etc only with an FHA loan. A portfolio lender or community bank might consider a blanket loan for just the two properties to 75% ltv in paying down debt. Otherwise, selling might be your best option. It sounds like you could sell and get more money for the investment home if you did the repairs? Look into getting enough money loaned to aide you in that effort if you decide to sell.

May 17th 2016
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