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Im looking for a 30,000 loan to help with travel and bills. I recently had a company pull the rug out from under me overnight.

by jeffd5_148_398 from Brandon, Mississippi. May 22nd 2013 Reply

James Mazzola (Mazzola)
#109 ranked lender in New Jersey - 314 contributions

Try a local bank

May 22nd 2013
J.D. Peck (TheJDPeckLendingTeam)
#44 ranked lender in Colorado - 82 contributions

I agree with the previous. A local bank or credit union is your best bet.

May 22nd 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Most regular mortgage lenders have difficulty providing loans under $50,000 because of silly government rules. For small loans like this, your best best is a local credit union.

May 22nd 2013
Raymond Denton (Raymond)
#10 ranked lender in Ohio - 224 contributions

You can refinance your house, and pull out an extra $30,000.00

May 22nd 2013

This is to Notify you that Mr George Dickson is Currently offering Loan to the needy at a low rate 0f 4% if you are interested contact FILL THE BORROWER'S INFORMATION Your Name _____________________ Your Address:____________________ Your Country:____________________ Your Occupation:__________________ Loan Amount Needed:______________ Loan Duration:____________________ Monthly Income:__________________ Cell phone Number:________________ Mr George Dickson

May 22nd 2013
Josh Lund (Josh_Lund)
#44 ranked lender in Minnesota - 113 contributions

These are all really good answers from the lenders above. If you own a home currently, you should look into opening up a home equity line of credit because they are usually easy and cheap to open!

May 22nd 2013
Carlos Figueira (carlosfigueira)
#107 ranked lender in New Jersey - 199 contributions

Unless you are dong a refinance over $50,000 you should look at HELOC as most have $50,000 min.

May 22nd 2013
Steven Cook (
#37 ranked lender in Washington - 256 contributions

As mentioned by most of the others -- you will find that a loan of this size is nearly impossible to get, unless it is cash out on a refinance, or a Home Equity Line of Credit. Otherwise, you would be best served by talking to the bank or credit union you have your main accounts at, for a personal line of credit.

May 22nd 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Consider a loan of at least $50,000.00.

May 22nd 2013
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