First, who is your lender? also, before you make your payment, it is wise to have some paperwork from the lender that they will accept your payment.. I have seen too many people pay their payments without contacting their lender, and they still get foreclosed.. you can email me at linda i have 25 yrs in this mortgage business, and I have been a compliance officer.
This is dependant on your servicer and there is no set guideline. Starting foreclosure proceeedings is also a different thing than actually foreclosing. If you are not already, you should be in contact with your servicer to make arrrangements no matter how far behind you are.I'm happy to help with the financing or just give you advice. If you need more information, or a competing rate quote call, email or use my live support button to discuss or get in touch with me. Web Address is: Email is and direct phone is 240-752-7549. Good Luck -- Rob Hanson
Not usually but it really depends on the lender. Give them a call, as annoying as it may be and get something from them via email or fax to make sure they accept your payment. Call us or email us at 201-962-3555 or for a no cost no obligation analysis of your situation ask for Michelle or Benny. We will find the Best Mortgage Option to suit your needs! Check us out at www.BestMortgageOption.comAsk us about the awesome discounts we offer heroes as a Homes for Heroes affiliate!
It depends on your lender. Get in touch with them and explain your situation to them.
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