This blog will help you repair and re-establish your credit. The information in this blog will take the guesswork out of improving your credit and pulling your scores up. The following details will help you understand how a...
One of the biggest obstacles in homeownership is the down payment. First-time homebuyers typically do not have the advantages of second-time buyers. Second-time buyers often have equity from the sale of their homes or...
Many recent college graduates have been unable to qualify for mortgages, auto loans, and other consumer debt because of their student loan obligations. Recent college graduates realization of impending student loan monthly...
Does the home of your dreams need some TLC? The Answer May Be: FHA's Streamline 203(ks) Mortgage 3.50% down payment required (Gift Funds Allowable) If you are buying a one to four family home that needs repairs or...
Many loan officers pride themselves in the fact that they help people purchase a home they may not otherwise be able to buy. Loan officers often council individuals on their credit, savings histories, employment, and down...