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The best in the business!
Michael is one of the best informed mortgage folks in the business and one of the most ethical, and in this day and time, ethical is not easy to find! He arranged financing for the home I purchased in May 2010 and I felt in-the-loop and in-the-know during the entire process. I didn't know people like him still existed in the dog eat dog world of mortgage loans. Michael requires his clients to be educated and takes the time to provide that education. I would recommend him to my children, my mom, to anyone who is interested in being well informed about how mortgages work, what the mortgage lingo means, and how to have a pleasant loan experience. It's been eight months since my purchase closed and there have been no surprises. I'm just as happy as the day I closed. That's the real measure of home loan satisfaction!
By kayanderik on January 11, 2011

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