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I am on a mission to help homeowners age 62 and over have successful retirements and a fine quality of life. I show ways they can access their home's equity - safely and efficiently - with NO monthly payments. Borrower's can use the tax-free proceeds for any reason - extinguish debt, pay for home health care, make repairs. I consult with the borrower's care takers, family and trusted advisors.

I have been a mortgage consultant since 2004. Before that, I was yield-curve trader and market maker in currency options since 1986. I consult with financial planners, elder-law attorneys, geriatric care managers, and home health care providers regularly. This enables me to understand the needs of the borrowers and allows me to make the best recommendation possible.

Have you had your bank call you and inform you that your line if credit has been frozen or lowered? That is not uncommon. If you are a home owner, age 62+, you can have a line of credit that can never be frozen or cancelled -...
A recent survey showed that over 2/3 of seniors prefer to age at home. That may create some issues, primarily how to do so safely. Many home owners over the age of 62 use the tax-free proceeds from a reverse mortgage to...
There are several ways one can receive tax-free money through a reverse mortgage. One is a perpetuity (tenure) payment. The borrower(s) receives a fixed amount every month, for their entire lives (as long as at least one...
About a third of the clients I help do not need immediately need any of the tax-free proceeds that are available with a reverse mortgage. They opt for the Reverse Mortgage Line of Credit. They have access to the funds...
I remember hearing retirees claiming they will "live off the interest" on their savings. Well, with savings account paying less than 1% (and actually negative if you consider inflation), the retirees have virtually no...

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