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Jeremy Davis's Answers

Since, you have credit scores from the three major credit reporting agencies, which score does the mortgage lender use to determine your interest rate?
I agree with Mary. There are a lot of different variables to how your rate is calculated. Not just your credit score. Your best choice would be to get with a mortgage broker. They are not stuck with just one lender. And most (well I know we do) have a credit build/repair program in place that can immediately...
Should I do FHA or conventional when I have more than 3.5% downpayment?
FHA loan is not only one lowest rates but also has some great terms. The money you save on the down payment can go toward upgrades. Some upgrades such as Energy efficient ones will help you qualify for tax credits.
June 2009 cutoff date revision
NO. It has not changed.
How long after a bankruptcy can I buy a house
About two years as the other guys say. That's because now a days the banks are looking for consistency in income. Not just the score anymore. hopefully this will help you. Good luck.
I need help improving my credit score. What is minimum for USDA loan. I live in north ga near Chattanooga.
I agree with Paul. They vary by lender but also your total financial history. Since Dodd Frank the score is not all it takes. Now to build credit I would suggest you contact a local credit union to see what programs they have in place to start. Most credit unions have just what you need to establish credit.
Can I qualify for USDSA/FHA financing with fico scores of 623, 580, and 596?
I agree with Velocity. There alot more to it than just your score.
How much dose your income Have to be to qualify for 240000 dollar loan ?
You at least have to make four times what the amount is.

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