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Blog Review: Suits In Boots

By Kyle Chezum Updated on 10/21/2013



Louise Thaxton is a professional mortgage planner who resides in and works out of central Louisiana. She not only represents her field professionally and confidently, but also regularly contributes to industry publications, is a featured speaker, and writes several excellent blogs, one of which really stood out to us: Suits In Boots.

This blog is fantastic for several reasons, but the best is because of Louise’s dedication to supporting the troops of our nation that are deployed overseas, shown in her promotion of the Boot Campaign. The Boot Campaign was founded by a group of five women in Texas to create awareness of our wounded warriors and to support the causes which provide assistance and resources to those warriors. Inspired to help from the moment she discovered the cause, especially because so many of her clients are in the military, Louise has been working hard at getting the word out about this great program.

Louise details her campaign successes and challenges in her blog posts, in addition to other highlights, such as a recent trip to the Alamo and how much she was moved by it. Another post focuses on Mother’s Day and the great importance of the holiday in the lives of those serving.

Louise has been in the mortgage industry for thirteen years, and has achieved much in that short time, including quadrupling her business. We see that same determination being applied to this blog and the cause behind it, and we applaud Louise for her hard work. This blog is the most deserving of our 5 star badge that we’ve seen in a while, and we highly recommend that our visitors check out Suits In Boots, as well as Louise’s other blogs. Louise is definitely one to watch in the business, as well as one to go to for mortgage planning in Louisiana.

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About The Author:
Kyle Chezum
My name is Kyle Chezum. I'm a Marketing Associate here at Lender411com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks!.

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