The Sequim Real Estate Blog is a blog specifically tailored for those individuals who either currently live in or are looking to relocate to the Sequim/Port Angeles area. The blog is updated daily and offers a hub of resources for its readers, such as: video guides, free eBooks, a weekly e-mail newsletter and more.
Chuck Marunde (the blog’s author) has over twenty years of real estate experience and has also written several books relating to real estate. Upon skimming through testimonials, it’s evident that Chuck enjoys writing this blog just as much as his consumers enjoy reading it. Chuck brings such a level of expertise to all of his blog posts that even current residents of the Sequim/Port Angeles flock to this blog for information.
The Sequim Real Estate Blog offers a source of real estate links for the convenience of readers such as “Sequim Real Estate Law” and “Sequim Real Estate Just Sold.” One of these links that particularly stands out is the “365 Things to Do in Sequim.” This shows that Chuck is not only concerned about making the sale, but is genuinely interested in making sure his clients acclimate to their new environment successfully.
The daily blog posts that Chuck posts are all very relevant to current and potential Sequim homeowners. Chuck takes the time to go over the various types of properties available in Sequim (such as waterfront properties) and makes sure to highlight the price and how quick he think the house will sell. Chuck’s articles range from very concise and informative (Comparing Buying an Existing Home to Building a Home) to fun and speculative (100 Reasons why Sequim is the Best Place to Retire).
Overall, Lender411 gives the Sequim Real Estate Blog 5/5 stars for being informative, relevant and for providing fresh content on a daily basis. If a move up to the Pacific Northwest is at all a possibility, this blog very well will convince readers that the specific place they need to be is no other than in Sequim, Washington.
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