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Blog Review: Bill Patterson's Boston Real Estate Blog

By Sari R. Updated on 9/20/2012



Bill Patterson’s Boston Real Estate Blog is a charming blog that delves into the intricacies of what is the latest and greatest of Boston real estate.  The blog is written by Bill Patterson, a Coldwell Banker real estate broker who has been listed as one of “Coldwell Banker’s Top 500 Agents.”  Bill Patterson’s Boston Real Estate Blog covers everything from interesting architecture to mortgage news, which really gives readers a comprehensive, all-inclusive look into the Boston real estate scene.  

One of the blog’s highlights is the fact that Patterson posts common questions asked by people in the Boston area and answers them, often giving a brief explanation and then linking to an article with more detail.  This shows not only Patterson’s dedication to his clients, but also to a commitment about providing accurate, concise information about Boston’s real estate market.

One series of blog posts called “What’ll it Cost Me?!” will be of particular interest to potential Boston homeowners, as Patterson posts pictures and discusses what exactly it will cost for homeowners to live in various areas of Boston.  This allows readers to compare and contrast some of the housing features, pricing and highlights before making an informed decision on what area in which they should settle.  This little series does a good job of covering condos, apartments and single-family homes so as to include all potential areas of the real estate market.

Patterson also covers a little bit of home improvement, which is particularly useful for homeowners planning on moving to the Boston area because they may not be accustomed to having to clean out the gutters before winter or making sure that basements aren’t leaking when it rains.  

Overall, Patterson does a great job about being informative and keeping readers in the loop about what’s happening in the Boston area that could potentially have any effect on real estate, such as the development of the Sommerville T and the fact that Boston condo prices have shot up.  This blog is a must-read for anyone considering making the move to Beantown, or even for anyone already living there who wants to remain in the loop.  Lender411 gives Bill Patterson’s Boston Real Estate Blog 5/5 stars for accuracy, relevance and informational value. 

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About The Author:
Sari R.
Sari R. is a mortgage editor for Lender411com. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Screenwriting and Public Relations/Advertising from Chapman University. She can be reached at sarelyn@lender411com.

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