If one more person asks this question, I may scream! I never understand what motivates people to always want more. Rates are currently the lowest they have been for 2011. The question you should be asking yourself is; "How much lower do you need it to go?". Waiting for another 1/8th of a percent to save an additional $7 a month is ridiculous. At some point you take your winnings and leave the table or you will lose it all. If you are in a position to lock and what you are locking has a benefit, then do it. Greed is bad, not good!
No one here is licensed to provide market speculation. If you have a property and really want to buy it, follow GVDenny's advice, below. If not, it's simply an interesting hyptothetical over which none of us has control.
Rates improved dramatically. Check out my rate tables and apply so we can lock you in.
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