I have an FHA mortgage that I've paid down such that I don't need mortgage insurance anymore, will the new changes bring back my premiums? by DDolan from Cornelia, Georgia. Mar 13th 2013
No it only applies to loans originated from April 1st 2013 and forward.Call us or email us at 201-962-3555 or Team@BestMortgageOption.com for ano cost no obligation analysis of your situation.Ask for Michelle or Benny We will find the Best Mortgage Option to suit your needs!You can check us out at www.BestMortgageOption.com
No, it doesn't apply to your loan, only new FHA loans going forward. You're safe!
You should be clear from having to pay anything additional under the new changes.
You are in luck! Only new FHA loans require life-of-loan MMI.
www.HOMEMORTGAGEXPERT.com You will not have any changes, Only new loans from the April date will be effected.
Your current loan is safe. If you take out a new FHA loan after 4/1/2013 the higher MIP will apply, but there are exceptions to some refinances paying off a FHA with a new FHA loan.
No! Absolutely not. The change requiring payment of the MMI premium for the life of the loan will be for all case numbers assigned on or after June 3, 2013.
Not unless you refinance it.
NoThe new changes will only affect new FHA loans moving forward.
No... The PMI changes are only for NEW FHA loans. www.FHA-Streamline-Refiance-MN.com
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