I was listed as borrower number 2 on a home loan that is in my mother's name, do I have rights to live in the house if she is not? by dawnsaunders4545719 from , California. Mar 19th 2017
If you own 50% of the home, you have all the same rights to the house and mortgage. I say this in my own opinion.
If you are merely a non occupying co-borrower and your Mother is the only owner on title then you would not necessarily have a right to live in the home if she is not living in it, and perhaps renting it or keeping it as a second home. If your Mother died than it would simply make it easier to assume a loan on a property you inherited...assuming you inherited it or inherited it with siblings.
If you are a borrower, you shoudl also be on title. If youa re on title you are an owner and possess ownership rights, in my opinion. I am not a lawyer though but have taken numerous real estate legal courses and our annual continuing educaiton courses.
The answer isn't as easy as it sounds, but 98% of the time, it is. Basically whoever is listed first or second on a standard home loan doesn't mean anything. You would both be equal owners with equal rights.
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