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What is my actual score? I ran it myself and it was 585 online, and then went to get a loan and it is 30 points lower! How do I keep track of the actual numbers?

by s.velez465 from Midway City, California. Dec 29th 2016 Reply

Linda Wintersteen (Linda123)
#64 ranked lender in Arizona - 1,256 contributions

I am a former underwriter. It depends on the time of the month, ie if you payments were posted , etc and most of the online reports will be lower , if you look at the fine print, they are credit repair places.. expect a call from them.. my email is

Jan 1st 2017
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

The quick answer... is YOU CAN'T. The confusion is there are multiple types of credit scores. Think mortgage scores, credit card scores, car loan scores, and scores you can look at yourself (like Credit Karma). While similar, every industry score is weighted differently. It is very common to hear 30 points lower from a consumer obtained score and then a real lender obtained score. My advice is to simply pay all bills on time, keep credit card balances low, and then don't worry about your scores. They will be fine.

Jan 2nd 2017
Larry Gray (lgray_312_247)
#596 ranked lender in California - 1,139 contributions

If you can do 20% down it is possible we might help you with a home purchase loan. Otherwise, for a 3.5% down payment you simply need to get to 580 as shown on a mortgage loan qualifying credit report, and of course meet the other qualifying standards. We, primarily known as a fast home purchase lender, can possibly provide pre-approval with a 580 or better mid fico score.

Jan 4th 2017
Mike and Jill Kohler (LenderMike)
#31 ranked lender in Pennsylvania - 56 contributions

The only real way is to get a tri merge credit report run by a mortgage professional. Most of the consumer credit agencies you see advertised on tv won't give you the scores that a lender uses.

Jan 22nd 2017
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