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what are the rates in FL for a 15 year fixed

by dick520 from , Florida. Nov 5th 2013 Reply

what is this - I'm waiting for a response

Nov 5th 2013
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

Dick, there are many variables that affect rates: your credit score, type of loan (VA, FHA, conventional), purchase or refinance, how long we need to lock the rate, sometimes the amount of the loan, etc. With some additional details I'd be glad to give you a preliminary quote. Feel free to contact me directly: or 843-619-6025. Thanks for asking!

Nov 5th 2013
Brad Miller (bmiller)
#117 ranked lender in New Jersey - 16 contributions

I would like to discuss your options with you. We have rates as low as 2.5%APR.depending on your criteria. Please call me to review. 2672969185

Nov 5th 2013
Craig Prickett (cpmtgnow)
#159 ranked lender in Florida - 98 contributions

rates for a 15 year are very low. Rates cant be quoted without an Apr to remain in compliance.. Feel free to call me to discuss your scenario. Basically whatever you see on the internet is the general area of 15 year rates. You can reach me at 954 558 4430 or We are a True Full Service lender. We are Not a correspondent which is 90% of the lenders out there. Call me to discuss the better rates you can receive by dealing with a True Non Correspondent lenderr

Nov 5th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

There are at least 21 different criteria that goes into determining an interest rate. Loan type (purchase or refinance), credit scores, loan to value, etc to name a few. Then once that is decided, then there is how you are going to pay the costs that also factors into rate. Contact a local mortgage broker for more information.

Nov 5th 2013
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