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What are the advantages/disadvantages of a VA 5/1 loan?

by eurekapete238 from , California. Jun 2nd 2014 Reply

Michelle Curtis Loan Originator NMLS 401173 (MichelleCurtisLO)
#77 ranked lender in Florida - 2,245 contributions

More info is needed but the only advantage is that it will most likely be a lower rate than a fixed 30 year. The bad news is no one knows where rates will be in 5 years and your loan will then start to adjust based on the index and margin used.

Jun 2nd 2014
John Moran (SimplifyMortgage)
#7 ranked lender in Arizona - 663 contributions

The advantage would be lower rates for the first five years than fixed rate options. The disadvantage would be the uncertainty after that initial five year fixed loan period. If you plan to be in the home long term, conventional wisdom says go with the fixed rate. If you are uncertain or know you'll be moving before the loan adjusts, choose the ARM.

Jun 2nd 2014
Mike Silkworth (msilkw_195_870)
#29 ranked lender in Michigan - 531 contributions

A lot of times the initial rate on any ARM is lower than a 30 year fixed would be the advantage. The rate is only locked for the first five years is the disadvantage.

Jun 2nd 2014
Crestico Funding (CresticoFunding)
#316 ranked lender in California - 340 contributions

The 5/1 Arm will probably offer you a loan interest rate for the 5 years that its fix as an advantage but after that, the rate will increase according to your contract.

Jun 2nd 2014
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Adjustable rates loans are great financial tools for many... A 5-year fixed, then becomes adjustable will give you a much lower interest rate, which will not change for the first five years. After that, the loan is adjustable once a year. Many people take them because they do not plan on being in the house more than five years, so they will never see any adjustments at all.

Jun 3rd 2014
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