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Went through short sale in past, is there any mortgage programs that could help me get a home loan soon?

by blake88leonhardtjr from La Palma, California. Aug 26th 2013 Reply

Ken Gunn (Ken Gunn)
#121 ranked lender in California - 19 contributions

The guidelines state that you can obatin financing after 4 years for a conventional loan and 3 years for a FHA loan after a Short Sale.Ken Gunn 714-374-3799 Huntington Beach, CA.

Aug 26th 2013
Jason Vondrak (jvondrak)
#220 ranked lender in California - 1,741 contributions

How long has it been since the short sale took place? Like Ken stated, you can get financing 4 years after a short sale for a conventional loan and 3 years after for an FHA loan.

Aug 26th 2013
Carlo Sanchez (MortgageLendingPro)
#0 ranked lender in Utah - 1,163 contributions

Yes. FHA. They issued a new Mortgagee Letter last week that allows a short sale after only 12 months if it was for a financial hardship. Email me at and I will put you in contact with loan officer that can help you.

Aug 26th 2013

There are several programs available to borrowers who have short-sales on their credit reports, however, I think there might be a better place for you to start. Begin with the bank that owned your note on the short sale, initially. Call them up and ask them for a letter stating the facts of the short sale (eg place of sale, date of sale, price sold for, price required to satisfy original note, and other salient details). This is known as a *CREDIT SUPPLEMENT*. Have them send you a certified, notarized copy of the letter. Also, while you're there, ask them to send letters, or contact the reporting agency where you found the short-sale. If so, get a copy of that. Then, send that document (the credit supplement) to the other two (or more) reporting agencies. Treat this as a dispute with the remaining agencies. Within 30 days, either reapply for a new loan or run your credit -0 see if the items have been removed, which they should have been, and VOILA! No need for any alternative programs. If you still have trouble with the agencies, feel free to shoot an email to me.

Aug 26th 2013
Crestico Funding (CresticoFunding)
#316 ranked lender in California - 340 contributions

Hello,There are several mortgage products available depending on your current financial situation and depending on what the circumstances were that lead you to the short-sale. if you like more information please contact us by visiting our site

Aug 26th 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Most loans require a minimum wait period of 3-years. Some are much longer. If you are less than 3-years, the only realistic program is the current FHA program that IF you didn't have any late payments on anything, and IF you relocated out of the area for work, there is NO waiting period. FHA just announced a new program, that will possible allow a waiting period of just 1-year. No one is offering it just yet, and the requirements are very stringent to meet.

Aug 26th 2013
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