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usda loan for self employed

fico 718 and i have tax returns etc to show. but can i get a usda loan at all? i have a store so it gives me pretty steady salary. by ianfalso978423716 from Anna, Texas. Aug 27th 2014 Reply

Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Your income qualifying will be based primarily on your adjusted gross income on line 37 of the IRS 1040 form for the last 2 years.

Aug 27th 2014
Larry Gray (lgray_312_247)
#596 ranked lender in California - 1,139 contributions

There is nothing in regulations that say a self employed person can not qualify fora USDA loan. Your credit score is certainly high enough. I would look for someonewho does USDA loans in Texas and get qualified as soon as possible...if I were you.

Aug 27th 2014
Sean Young (SeanYoung)
#1 ranked lender in Colorado - 1,112 contributions

USDA does not care if you are self-employed. However when you get qualified as a self-employed person they qualify you on your net income rather than your gross or another way of saying it is based on your adjusted gross income. If you do pay yourself by W2 you can use the W2 income and any self-employed income and add back in depreciation. I would speak with a local loan officer and have them review your income including your last two years of tax returns personal and business so they can get you qualified correctly up front. Best wishes, Sean

Aug 28th 2014
James Barath (JamesBarath)
#9 ranked lender in Indiana - 352 contributions

USDA does not differentiate your loan eligibility on whether or not your self-employed. However, depending on how your business is established the pass through income to you personally could impact your qualifying income as USDA does have maximum income limits. Good luck and have a great holiday weekend.

Aug 29th 2014
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