I'm 32yo, no debt and have $130k saved. Should I continue to save until I hit $250k and buy all in cash or purchase now? by zilla353 from Lahoma, Oklahoma. Oct 14th 2019
If you plan to stay where you are currently residing, I would buy now because rates are reality low with most mortgage programs. How long it will take you to save 250K, the rates could be way more higher to purchase a house. Also the size of house is probably better now than when you reach your 250K goal. You should also consult with your financial planner or a mortgage loan originator in your area.
Yea, no, and maybe. Sure, paying cash would be awesome. But you need to factor other things. For example, In my area, average homes prices have increase around 5% a year for the past 8-years. If you wait until you have $250k, maybe you would really need $300k or more for the same house you could have bought today. You also need a place to live today, it might as well be your own house. I'd say buy the house now, simply focus on paying it off as fast as you can afterwards. I lend primary in Minnesota, and can be reached at FirstTimeHomeBuyer-MN.com (NMLS274132)
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