Florida is a little different from most states in that an attorney is required in loan transactions, however, in regards to your question you should be able to locate a lender in your area that will do an FHA streamline refinance on a manufactured home loan. You do need to currently have an FHA insured loan on the home. Try searching for manufactured home lenders and FHA. A lot of lenders do not do loans on manufactured homes but there are a number that do. We only do loans in California where we are located.
My bank will originate fha streamlines on manufactures homes. Feel free to reach out to me.
FHA allows for a streamline refinance on a manufactured home... But a lot of lenders don't offer loans on manufactured homes. Simply find one that does... For FHA streamline refinance in MN, WI, or SD, visit http://streamline-refinance-mn.com
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