Generally, when you are determined to use a V A insured loan, it is best tohave your realtor focus on staying away from older homes that likely have varying repair problems. A home may be in good shape that is 25 to 30 years old, and that can often work. We actually do "as is" loans that are FHA insured, and the appraiser, who is not a home inspector, will be looking for obvious safteyissues be they a need for a slap of paint to protect wood, or installing carbon monoxide detectors. Otherwise, we have done many, many of these loans on older houses without repair requirements. However, wherein we do not require viewingany home or pest inspection for the FHA loan, we do for VA...but only the Pest Inspection. I am funding soon, a V A loan in California on a 1980s built home, andthe Pest Inspection had shown work needed...the seller agreed to make the repairs..and they got done pretty quickly. It is a point of negotiation, obviously, butnot a big hurdle. Keep trying, and hopefully your realtor can keep on track for finding you a home you can purchase with your V A loan.
You were asking the sellers to cover the closing costs, perhaps with minimal exceptions such as your tax and insurance impounds? Being sold as is...simply means just that. However, it does not mean they will not cover fees as seller credit if it is part of the initial agreed upon negotiation. Granted it is a little more difficult to obtain much in the way of seller credit towards closing cost in the mostly "heated" Ca market, but it is still possible as I see it happen with realtors and buyers I work with. On a VA loan, even with just 1% seller credit, at a slightly higher interest rate the lender may be able to provide upwards of 2% lender credit. It is possible to end uppaying 0 in getting into a home!
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