Each situation is unique and your entire financial picture is considered when a lender is making a decision on your loan application. Ask your lender to run your file through the "Automated Underwriting System" - essentially a computerized loan decision engine.It will literally spell out, for you and your broker, exactly which accounts will need to be paid off or resolved, if any.I would NOT rely on a mortgage professional just looking at your credit as someone suggested. Don't take chances with your loan, just ask for the Automated Underwriting to be done and get the answers you're looking for ASAP.I wish you the best of luck!
Unresolved credit card debt?? if you mean you have outstanding balances on your credit cards, then so long as you have sufficient income and credit scores, it shouldn't be a problem.. if you are currently delinquent on your credit card debt and you have entered into a "Re Payment" Agreement or worse, there is no agreement, they're just delinquent, then you have a big problem.. without more details it's hard to answer your question.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. William J. Acres, Lender411's number ONE lender in Arizona. 480-287-5714 WilliamAcres.com
It depends on what you mean by "unresolved." If you have an account that is in default it will need to be brought current and/or proven inaccurate. The HARP process usually relies on an automated underwriting engine through Fannie Mae that will pick up on those type stumbling blocks and halt the process. My advice would be to find a reputable credit repair service (I reccommend Credit Justice Services http://creditjusticeservices.com/) and fix the problem before you apply for your HARP refinance. If you have further questions feel free to contact me at sstjacques@mmcdcorp.com.....
Hi Jody, It's hard to advise you specifically without knowing more about your situation... If you are referring to an account that you have disputed with the credit bureaus, the dispute will probably have to be withdrawn in order for you to close your loan. If it is delinquent debt, it may or may not have to be taken care of depending on the details. I provide a free service which can analyze your credit and determine exactly what (if anything) would have to be done to either reach a certain credit score or qualify for a certain type of loan. This would be your first option in my opinion before paying a credit repair company that charges you for the same thing I can do for free! I would be happy to discuss the details with you and advise you accordingly if you wish. I'm happy to help with the financing or just give you advice. If you need more information, or a competing rate quote call, email or use my live support button to discuss or get in touch with me. Web Address is: http://www.loansfromrob.com/quote/ Email is robertlh66@verizon.net and direct phone is 240-752-7549. Good Luck -- Rob Hanson
HARP loans are conventional and normally your lender will know whether there is an issue from the time they check your credit - unless the underwriter sees an issue the loan officer does not. Normally the only issue is with excessive collections and/or charge offs - or "disputed" accounts and the dispute will need to be removed or resolved before final loan approval and closing.
It depends on the exact issue.
More information would be needed to make an evaluation.
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