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I have a creadit score of 680 but my wife is only a 590 or 600 . Is there any home lenders that will even loan us money on a morg

by rsmyles95606 from , Idaho. May 12th 2014 Reply

Sean Young (SeanYoung)
#1 ranked lender in Colorado - 1,112 contributions

Most lenders will use the lower of the middle score of all borrowers on the application. However, there may be some FHA options available to you with a 590 middle credit score. Or, if you can qualify with your income alone you can apply for the mortgage by yourself. Check with a local loan officer who can review your application and credit in detail and have him/her go over all of your options available. Best wishes, Sean

May 12th 2014
Michelle Curtis Loan Originator NMLS 401173 (MichelleCurtisLO)
#77 ranked lender in Florida - 2,245 contributions

Yes you can find lenders that will use the 590 score for 96.5% financing on a home using an FHA loan..Lenders all use the lowest middle score of all borrowers.

May 12th 2014
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

If you don't need her income, just apply by yourself, add her to title latter.

May 12th 2014
Shaun Weeks (sweeks)
#897 ranked lender in California - 106 contributions

If you need her income you can do an FHA or VA loan. VA if you're military of course.If you don't need her income you'll have a lot more options available to you. Call or email me and I will help you get this up and running if you'd like.

May 12th 2014
Jamie Lynne (nationwidelenderforyou)
#137 ranked lender in Texas - 576 contributions

Do you need her income to qualify? If so, we go down to a 530 middle score in some cases. Let's discuss your loan scenario in more detail. Contact me at 800 315 8803. My name is Jamie and I have been in the mortgage business since 1989. I am happy to answer your mortgage questions, 7 days a week and review your loan scenario. Until then, I look forward to hearing from you. Jamie Lynne - - email - 800 315 8803

May 13th 2014
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

In theory, FHA will allow you wives very low scores. In practice, most lenders will not allow a score that low, and if they do, there is still generally something on her credit report that will cause issues. Most people in your situation are well advised to spend some time with a reputable credit repair company to improve her credit, then go apply for a mortgage loan.

May 13th 2014
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