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First time home buyer with a 560-570 credit score

Looking to try and get a mortgage for a home in the range of $89,000. Our scores are roughly in the 560-570 range. I make roughly $30,000-$32,000 a year and my other half she makes about $35,000 a year. Both had hiccups from our younger years and things are starting to clear up on the reports. I recently purchased a vehicle back in February to bring up my credit score. All on time payments. She had a short sale from a previous marriage 3 years ago. What would our chances of getting a mortgage? We both have money saved in our bank accounts.. We currently rent at a price of $740 a month. We are in Michigan if that makes a difference. Please let me know and if you need any additional information, I will do my best to provide that for you. Thank you, and I appreciate your responses. by Robbie2 from Muskegon, Michigan. Dec 29th 2012 Reply

J.D. Peck (TheJDPeckLendingTeam)
#44 ranked lender in Colorado - 82 contributions

There are programs out there that only require a 580 mid FICO however you will have to jump through many hoops to get approved if you can find a lender who will allow for a 580. I would recommend contacting a reputable local mortgage lender (not one of the big banks), and asking if they have any experience in rapid re-score or credit expert. Many people do not realize that some minor changes in account balances can drastically improve a score resulting in a much easier approval process.

Dec 29th 2012
Linda Wintersteen (Linda123)
#64 ranked lender in Arizona - 1,256 contributions

first, we need to look at your credit report to see what is one it .. are you getting your report on a free online site? they usually will score lower,, if you look at the print, they are credit repair companies, they are consumer reports and not mortgage credit reports.. the consumer ones are not allways updated... when was the short sale?? the most important, when was the house taken out of her name?? that is the date that we go by..linda 602 330 1598we might want to look at a credit restoration on your report, before you purchase.. i refer to one national company only, they will be about 1/3 of the cost of anyone out there..

Dec 29th 2012
Jeremy Redlinger (JeremyR)
#29 ranked lender in Minnesota - 191 contributions

Check with a local mortgage broker as they sometime have access to lenders who will accept credit scores down to a 540. However the rate and down payment may be pretty high and it may be worth the time to fix your credit before purchasing a home.

Dec 29th 2012

We are also willing to put down 3% of the purchase price if that is of any help. Anything more up to 5% we will provide proof of gift of funds to cover the 2% difference.

Dec 29th 2012
Jeremy Redlinger (JeremyR)
#29 ranked lender in Minnesota - 191 contributions

With a 560 score you are likely looking at needing to put at least 10 percent down.

Dec 29th 2012
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

You really should try to improve your score to 600-620 to have the best chance of getting approved. Don't pay off old collections, that might actually drop your score. find someone who will look at your report and give you good advice about what you need to do to improve your score.

Dec 29th 2012

I need a Lon

Jun 8th 2015
Ken Burrows (mortgagesforamerica)
#19 ranked lender in Nevada - 572 contributions

You might want to try this lender. They may be able to help you.

Dec 29th 2012
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