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can i get a mortgage if my credit score is 677

by daisyr_544_694 from Manchester, New Hampshire. Mar 30th 2013 Reply

Donald LaPlume (dlaplume)
#6 ranked lender in New Hampshire - 47 contributions

Hi Daisy R. A score above 620 can usually be approved. However there are several other things which must be looked at. Please feel free to call me at 603 304 6593 and I can review the rest of the items with you. Donald Wayne LaPlumeNmls 110379Emery Federal Credit Union225 Derry RoadHudson, NH

Mar 30th 2013
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

Probably. Remember though that to qualify, one must have acceptable income (to support the existing and proposed debt load, adequate assets (for down payment, closing costs and reserves), income history (employment or income distributions) in addition to having a good credit history and adequate score. Assuming you have the income and assets, then it is likely your credit score will be sufficient as well. Seek out a local Mortgage Professional to get you pre-approved. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Certified by the National Association of Mortgage Professionals and Licensed in California and Arizona ~ 888-889-9950

Mar 31st 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Yes, with a 677 score, you can buy a home. But remember, score alone does not an approval make. Your full situation will be reviewed. Credit, income, assets, job histories, debt-to-income ratios, down payment, etc. Clients with 800 scores get denied... Contact a local mortgage broker for more details.

Mar 31st 2013
Charlie Sparks (CharlieSparks)
#8 ranked lender in New Mexico - 401 contributions

That's not a bad score so it won't prevent you from being approved assuming income, debts, and other factors are in order.

Mar 30th 2013
Jeff Albrecht (Doctor_Mortgage)
#92 ranked lender in Texas - 77 contributions

Daisyr: Hoppy Easter! Every loan these days is based really on 3 simple criteria. Credit score and credit history, Loan To Value (LTV %) and Debt to income ratio % (what you spend divided by what you make). A 677 is great for an FHA loan, wherein we only require a 620 mid credit score, and you would need the ability to put 3.50% downpayment. CLICK on my profile to the LEFT of this post (right below my picture) and drop me an email to We are a national lender. I look forward to working with you. Jeff direct dial is 512-381-4643.

Mar 30th 2013
Steven Karp (stevek81)
#9 ranked lender in Rhode Island - 151 contributions

Hi daisyr, yes absolutely you can get a mortgage !! In fact, pretty much anybody with a minimum score of 620 should be ableto get a mortgage. feel free to call anytime, we are located in Hudson !! and nationwide !!

Mar 30th 2013
Donald LaPlume (dlaplume)
#6 ranked lender in New Hampshire - 47 contributions

Hi Daisy R, You can usually be approved with a score of 620 or better. However there are several other factors to consider. Depth of credit plus credit history. Not to mention debt to income guidelines, type of home, zero down or lowDown Payment options. To be sure feel free to call me at 603 304 6593 Don LaPlumeNmls 110379Emery Federal Credit Union225 Derry RoadHudson, NH

Mar 30th 2013
Dave Metsker (DaveMetsker)
#35 ranked lender in Oregon - 2,318 contributions

Score looks good. Income and employment history will be the other factors.

Mar 30th 2013
Michelle Curtis Loan Originator NMLS 401173 (MichelleCurtisLO)
#77 ranked lender in Florida - 2,245 contributions

Absolutely! As far as credit scores go you can qualify for a conventional or government loan.Call us or email us at 201-962-3555 or for ano cost no obligation analysis of your situation.Ask for Michelle or Benny We will find the Best Mortgage Option to suit your needs!You can check us out at

Mar 30th 2013
George Dokos (georgedokos@movementmortgage)
#55 ranked lender in Virginia - 25 contributions

Yes !! Please feel free to call me at the office: 757-645-0715. Happy Easter, George

Mar 30th 2013
Pete Bass (PeteBass)
#30 ranked lender in Connecticut - 476 contributions

Hi Daisy!Happy Easter!With a credit score of 677 and depending on what your credit states ( are there any bankruptcies or foreclosures in your history?)if no, and you have active tradelines (lenders like to see 3 tradlines with at least 12 months history) then it maybe possible-You may want to check with your local community bank or credit union as New Hampshire may have a down payment program thatwill allow you to put little to no money down if you are a 1st time homebuyer-Best of Luck, Pete

Mar 30th 2013
Cory Ure (coryure)
#46 ranked lender in Utah - 50 contributions

The short answers is "yes". The long answer is there are other factors besides your credit score. Traditionally lending has used The Three C's: Credit, Capacity and Collateral. Of course Credit is your credit score and what is in your credit. You must have several established trade lines as well as no recent foreclosures, short sales, bankruptcy, etc. Capacity is your ability to repay the loan, e.g. your employment and income as well as any additional money for reserves in savings to that the lender know that if you became unemployed that you'd be able to make your mortgage payments for a few months. Some loan types require reserves, others don't. Collateral is the property and the loan-to-value, which also includes how much money you'll put down and thus how much "exposure" the lender has in case of a default and foreclosure. I hope that helps answer your question.

Mar 31st 2013
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