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I wanted to fix my debt through refinancing my mortgage what do you think

I was recently looking to get debt relief, by refinancing my mortgage and taking the extra money into paying credit card bills. I was looking at the company called which does debt relief to help me with this. What do you think about this idea??? by DebtSettlement from Mineola, New York. Oct 29th 2011 Reply

Stephen McWilliam (StephenMcWilliam)
#136 ranked lender in Florida - 48 contributions

The available equity in your home will enter into this equation. Also, what your current interest is compared to what you will obtain and your credit score will also play a major factor. If your concerns center around credit card debt consolidation you would most likely be best to work with a legitimate debt consolidation company such as They will typically get your interest reduced to almost zero in many cases. I would prefer to get that debt paid off with minimal interest that stretch it over 30 years in a refinance.

Oct 29th 2011
Robert Ferruggio (HomeCrest)
#48 ranked lender in New York - 9 contributions

Refinancing may help you but we have to see if you qualify with the right amount of equity and a credit score that is of a certain level. National Debt Relieve Companies are mostly for people that have poor credit, no income, and no or very little equity. Call us so we can qualify you or guide you in the right direction. Call: 516-775-0807 Open 7 days a week.

Oct 29th 2011
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Refinancing your home to take cash out and pay off credit cards is not a bad idea to stop any financial bleeding and get back on track. Getting out of high rate credit cards, and switching it to low rate home debt can make sense for many people - if done just once. The lesson learned from the past was that living beyond your means and using your home as an ATM machine by refinancing and taking cash out ever few years proved a disaster for most people, and is is a huge reason so many people are now underwater on their homes.

Oct 31st 2011
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

I don't know anything about the firm you referenced, but their website indicates they are a debt settlement company. I would urge caution here, especially if they are the ones you are looking at for the loan. I would encourage you to find a local Mortgage banker or Mortgage Broker to help you discover what your borrowing options are. If you have equity in your home that you could tap to pay off or pay down other debt, this could be very helpful in getting your debts and cash flow in line. Interest on a mortgage is tax deductable while the interest on your cards and autos is not. The interest rate on the mortgage should be substantially lower than on your other debts as well. If you do not qualify for a traditional mortgage and this firm is offering you one, then I would suspect the terms are probably not in your best interest. If you have equity, good credit and could qualify for a tradition mortgage, and then chose to use a firm to help you negotiate a settlement on other accounts after escrow closes, would be your choice. Keep in mind that an account reporting "settled", instead of "paid" will have a detrimental impact on your credit score and may hamper your ability to obtain credit in the future. It could also cause other negative actions by other creditors, even if they are not involved in the settlement.

Oct 31st 2011
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