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Hello! My name is Pam Schubert, and I hope to be your Home Loan Specialist! I am a Certified Military Housing Specialist as well as I have worked in different areas of the mortgage industry since 1981. Even though our office is located in Oshkosh, we are licensed to do loans any where throughout the State of Wisconsin. I truly enjoy helping people with their financing for their home. Whether it is for their purchase of their dream home or the refinancing of their current home. Each person is unique and has a different need and situation than the next person. I take pride in helping make the home loan process educational as well as a smooth transition for all parties. My number one priority is my client. By the time we get to your closing you not only will feel comfortable with the transaction but confident there will be no surprises at closing.

Please give me a call and let's purchase that dream home or help you save money on your current home.

I look forward to working with you!

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