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As a homeowner the day may come that you dread: You owe more on your mortgage that your house is worth. There are many reasons this could have happened. Property values may be dropping in your neighborhood. You may have made...
What happens in a Foreclosure? There are four steps throughout the process of foreclosure which are the notice of default, the acceleration, the notice of sale, and the auction. Depending on the bank, the foreclosure process...
A rising number of homeowners are defaulting on their mortgages and facing foreclosure or loss mitigation as the economy continues to decline. Homeowners who are unable to make their monthly mortgage payment for whatever...
Before you apply for the mortgage, before you even start looking at houses, you are going to want to pre-qualify. There is no point putting the cart before the horse and all that sort of folksy sounding advice. Pre-qualifying...
Shopping around for the right mortgage product is essential when deciding to buy a home. There is a lot to lose if you chose the wrong mortgage and get something you didn't plan on. There are tons of mortgage products...
You've done it. You've finally gone though all the steps and found the house and gotten the loan, and everything that goes along with all of that. Whew. Now you get to rest for a minute, right? Wrong. Now you have...
Home abandonment. When I heard the phrase I had no idea exactly what it meant. Not that there are a lot of things it could mean, my brain just didn't wrap itself around the concept at first jump. After some research it...
More than 50% of foreclosures would be avoided if people contacted their lender. So be proactive and aggressively pursue all options you have because you do have quite a few tools you can utilize to mitigate as much loss to...

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