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I have been in the Mortgage industry since 1993. When I started in the industry FHA was the product that I did on the majority of the loan at that time. The market has gone back to this product, as well as everything being fully documented.

We are a direct lender and have a full aray of loans available. We do Conventional, FHA, VA, CALPER, CALSTRS, CalHFA as well as many of the downpayment assistance programs that are available.

If you are wanting to get honest informaiton on what you should do, contact me so that I can assist you. Many people need to know before they look for a home what it is that they need to do to become qualified. THey also need ot know what it is that they can look for before going out and looking. I will assist you with determine these very important items.

The documentation for loans has never been tougher. You will probably be asked for more documentation up till the time that your loan funds and records. It is not the borrower, it is part of the time that we are in where...

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