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Janine Bodway

Rising Rates 6-27-2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013 - Article by: Janine Bodway - Acceptance Capital Mortgage Corp - Message

Are we recovering too fast? Our reports tell us that American home prices increased an average of 10.6% from 3/12 to 3/13. Some feel this is too fast but the truth is, markets have cycles, period. Ups and downs will repeat, but hopefully not to such extremes that we have experienced. With the last down cycle so extreme, it actually doesn't take that much to generate double-digit percentage increases. We have to consider that the top 5 recovery markets were also the hardest markets hit during the downturn. Sellers who were stuck underwater are now available to sell their homes and keep the flow moving. Buyers will also continue to buy homes regardless of the rates increasing because they want and need to have a place to live., just as they did when rates were 13% and 14%.

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