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18- 34 set Shops for Mortgages online.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013 - Article by: loanman - Ameripro Mortgage - Message

Who shops for mortgages online? The new generation with smart phones.

"It's more likely to represent a generational shift in shopping preferences as well. Those 18 years old to 34 years old are interested in buying their first homes--having grown tired of the paucity of choices available among rental units. Also, they are among the most comfortable as a demographic group shopping online: they prefer mortgage shopping through the web, to getting in their cars and driving to their banks to shop for a mortgage.

They are simply doing what comes naturally to them."

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Matt Strickberger is the managing partner of OnPoint PR and Consulting LLC, a public relations firm that represents lenders, servicers, technology companies and others. He was editor of Mortgage Technology magazine from 1997-2000. If you have comments or suggestions for future columns, email him at

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