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Friday, March 19, 2010 - Article by: FHASUBMISSIONS.COM - ESSEX MORTGAGE BANK - Message

There are several reasons why buyers should want to be active today
It is Nearly Impossible to Call the Bottom: After all, we only know that we have hit bottom after we are past the bottom. Some investors feel optimistic about the market moving forward, and believe we have already hit bottom. Fearing that they may miss the buying opportunity, they are deciding to jump in today to take advantage of market conditions.

Inflation: With the U.S. Government having doubled the money supply of the country in 2009 (the increase was greater than the aggregate increases over the last 50 years), many investors feel that inflation is likely to follow. During an inflationary period, hard assets are assets of choice as their value will rise in conjunction with inflation. Commercial real estate is a particularly attractive hard asset under these circumstances. The key would be to buy the hard asset before inflation kicks in, locking in long-term, low-interest, fixed-rate debt. As inflation kicks in, it would drive up the value of the asset and the advantageous debt terms create an even better performing investment.

If we are not at the Bottom, we are Very Close: Another reason to buy today is because if we are not at the bottom, we are certainly close to the bottom. Nationally, investment property prices are down 30% to 40% depending upon the marketplace.Average prices are down 31% - 50% from the peak depending on your area. Whether prices go down another 5% or up another 5%, will it really matter to the long-term investor whether we are slightly above the bottom or not?Call me today if your a seasoned investr or a first time home buyer and let me help you buy that home today (310) 984-0496 or Jeffrey Martino Young

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