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Thursday, March 4, 2010 - Article by: FHASUBMISSION.COM - ESSEX MORTGAGE BANK - Message

Daddy, Daddy! Help me!”
I ran into my daughter’s room. It was obvious that she’d just woken up from a nightmare. She was shaking and bathed in sweat.
“Daddy, it happened again – the dream. A man and a woman named Fannie and Freddie were after me. Fannie told me that I owed her $15 billion dollars. She said that I’d left off the middle initial on a 4506-T in 2003. I didn’t know what she meant, something about “contractual obligations”. And Freddie just stood there, grinning. They wanted all the money out of  my little Swiss Pig, my one and only  piggy bank!”
“Take it easy,” I told her. “Fannie and Freddie aren’t after you. They want the money from the investors, not from us taxpayers, and only if loans are delinquent. And the investors will go after the mid-size and small originators due to their seller contracts. It has nothing to do with you and me, so go back to sleep.”
“Whew!” I said to myself as I went back to bed. “At least it wasn’t the Barney Frank, Tim Geithner dream again.”

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