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Brendan Fontaine  - Maine Mortgage Broker / Banker

How to Facebook

Monday, January 28, 2013 - Article by: Brendan Fontaine - Maine Mortgage Broker / Banker - Northstar Mortgage Group - Message

Now that you're a Google+ rock star, it's time to learn "How To Facebook!" No other social media generates so much business, and with good reason! Facebook has created the most mortgage referrals and closed loans, hands down.

If you are determined to get in front of every mortgage prospect and potential referral partner in your market, then you must make your Facebook presence felt.

Yet despite the one billion participants and 584 million daily users on Facebook, you still must focus on those in your local market. That means you need to create both personal and business Facebook pages. Do not worry about generating a lot of friends in the beginning; if you build it, they will come.

Properly optimized Facebook personal and business pages can establish a dominant presence when consumers in your market are searching for you, the local mortgage superhero!

Some say you should never co-mingle your personal Facebook page with mortgage or business posts. When I followed that advice, my mortgage referrals from Facebook quickly dried up. Instead, you should tastefully update all of your Facebook friends with relevant mortgage news.

Here's some sage advice about mixing business with pleasure, "When you walk into a crowded room, everyone there should know what you do for work. If they don't, you are doing your friends and family as much as a disservice as your career." Apply that philosophy to social media, and the referrals will fly!

(PS: For an example of the proper balance and other ideas for posts, please feel free to visit my personal and business pages.)

Posted by Brendan Fontaine

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