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Doc Compton - THE consumer credit expert.

Bad credit isn't the end of the world...

Sunday, December 23, 2012 - Article by: Doc Compton - THE consumer credit expert. - - Message

The Mayans Were Wrong!

I was in my office on Friday, going over the numbers for the year, and I realized why we haven't done as much business in 2012 as we had predicted... You were waiting on the Mayan Apocalypse...

But 12/21/12 has come and gone, and we're all still here... The Mayans were wrong, and look--

We're not judging you because you were waiting on an ancient Mayan apocalyptic prediction...

Just visit today, and call us with any questions you have. 214-733-8336

You're gonna pay somebody's mortgage in 2013... Shouldn't it be YOURS??

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