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Doc Compton - THE consumer credit expert.

I bet you don't know, EITHER..!

Saturday, December 15, 2012 - Article by: Doc Compton - THE consumer credit expert. - - Message

Most people aren't aware that WHEN you pay your credit card bill matters almost as much as IF you pay it!

A single call to you credit card company will arm you with some of the most valuable credit score boosting information that there is! Try this...

  1. Call your credit card company.
  2. Ask what day they report your balance to all three bureaus.
  3. Pay the bill, online, two days before that date.

Your credit score is significantly impacted by your credit utilization ratio, or a measure of the relationship between your credit limits and the balances you carry. Therefore, it makes HUGE sense to pay those cards strategically. If you pay the bill after the reporting date, your balance will report at it's highest point for an entire month. But by paying the balance down just before that date, you have better scores for the same month!

Paying online is smarter, because it eliminates the possibility of any delay in the processing of your payment.

As always, I'm happy to share the tips, tools and techniques to help you establish and maintain your BEST CREDIT YET!

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