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Should You Refinance Now?

Thursday, October 1, 2009 - Article by: MEL SMITH--LENDER OF THE MONTH - . - Message

     Many people are trying to determine the perfect time to refinance their home. Interest rates are very low and we can never perfectly time the market. Therefore, the prime question should be how much will I save by refinancing now? It is always advantageous to pull out all of your financial documents and get a full picture of your finances. This will help you make an informed decision and help you determine your true savings.

     When seeking a quote from a mortgage professional; make sure that they have factored in taxes and insurance. Additionally, have your objectives well in mind, so as to clearly state your main goals and objectives. Usually, your mortgage is your largest liability; consequently, you need to have it well tailored to suit your specific needs.

If you would like additional advice--Click Here


Mel Smith-----845-290-33109

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