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Shon Atabaki

Can Pets Help You Sell A Home?

Saturday, March 31, 2012 - Article by: Shon Atabaki - Guaranteed Rate - Message

As a real estate agent, there are conventional rules you stick to when showcasing your client's home: tidy the home, make it brightly lit and remove any signs of animals. But could the family pet actually help you sell the home?

Some real estate agents say that pets have become a huge asset for them when selling a home. Homebuyers comment how a cozy cat or friendly dog helped make the property feel lived in and homey. However, other real estate agents still feel strongly against showcasing a pet during a home showing, saying animals take away from the property and hinder the sale.

What do you think? Could a well behaved and groomed animal help you sell a home? Or will animals always be a bad idea when trying to showcase a home?

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