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American Finance Group

What are Closing Cost?

Sunday, January 15, 2012 - Article by: American Finance Group - Message

There may be closing costs customary or unique to a certain locality, but closing costs are usually made up of the following:

oAttorney's or escrow fees (yours and your lender's if applicable)
oProperty taxes (to cover tax period to date)
oInterest (paid from date of closing to 30 days before first monthly payment)
oLoan origination fee (covers lender's administrative costs)
oRecording fees
oSurvey fee
oFirst premium of mortgage insurance (if applicable)
oTitle insurance (yours and your lender's)
oLoan discount points
oFirst payment to escrow account for future real estate taxes and insurance
oPaid receipt for homeowner's insurance policy (and fire and flood insurance if applicable)
oAny documentation preparation fees

Don McCarty

American Finance Group

(919) 633-7505

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