Monday, October 17, 2011 -
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HomeCrest - HomeCrest Mortgage -
There is no better time to buy or refinance your home. The interest rates are at a all time low. Whether you are looking to purchase your first home or you just want to consolidate all of your debt and lower your monthly bills, this is the best time to do it. You can save hundreds every month with a cash-out refinance. Or you will be getting the lowest rates in 60 years for a mortgage.
You owe it to yourself and your family to call now. Speak with a mortgage specialist and see if you qualify for a refinance or a 3.5% down purchase mortgage.
Call Now: 516-775-0807
Apply Online For Purchase:
Apply Online For Refinance:
HomeCrest Mortgage
The Friendly and Knowledgeable Home Mortgage People
Phone: (516) 775-0807
Fax: (516) 775-4085
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